Bnos Yisroel of Flatbush - Sapphire Software
Software Information
- Hello....My Name is Miara Devorah Safir and I live in Brooklyn, New York.
- As an independent Business women,
and the force behind Sapphire Software,
I can appreciate the value of a superior education
for women in todays complex world. Join us at Sapphire Software
in celebrating Bnos Yisroel School for Girls in Flatbush, Brooklyn NY.
Rebitzen Groner and Rabbi Barnetsky have developed a superior institution,
giving young Jewish girls a solid foundation in secular
and Jewish education. Their students, the future of Klal Yisroel,
graduate ready to face today's tough problem's through the values
inscribed to us in Jewish Ethics.
Come join us in our spiritual and financial support of this Gem
in the Jewish world today
Morah Racheli and her students