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Down Town Walking Tour:

Metro Tech - The New Downtown Sky Line

Between Adams Street and Flatbush Ave, North of Fulton St, Metro Tech rises as the New Brooklyn. A last present of outgoing Mayor Koch to keep Chase Manhattan Bank in NYC, Metro Tech anchors the Brooklyn's new financial center.

Few people know this, but SIAC at Metro Tech powers the stock markets huge volumes of transaction in this area. And Poly Tech forms an education/corperate alliance.

MPG Videos of this
section of Downtown

Fulton St
on the Move

Fulton St 2

Brooklyn Marriot Hotel occupies the first 7 floors
of this building. too would be sooo cool
to rent the top floor with that wicked view of Manhattan.

These phot's were taken when construction was still chase your wondering about some of those
gaps in the wall.

This is a little detour to give Morgan Stanley Credit. They built
the first of the new generations of Buildings, prior to Metro Tech
on Pierpoint Street and Candam Plaza. The building in the
front, covered by the treees is the old General Post Office...worthy
of a tour itself. If I'm not mistaken, it was also the Brooklyn
Eagle Offices, one time home of Walt Witnam's editorial work

Next Willoughby Street and the Revoutionary War memorial