Hello I'm not a reformed playboy, But I am interested in knowing if you are really ready for a committed relationship? I'm sure your not desperate, and accomplished. I'm sure you have a fascinating life with deep meaning and satisfaction, one I will envy, and be amazed at. But are you ready to compromise, and to work at a relationship; to give your partner the kind of loving support that you, yourself, would expect from a loving partner, and to form family? Are you ready to sacrifice the ability to jump out for a vacation in Madagascar, because you have obligations at home, to make the 5:30 train because someone is waiting for you, despite a ton of work at the office, to integrate your lover with your friends, knowing that it might not be smooth, and to find contentment in the relationship instead of the full Monty of things you do know which you use to fill that need. A loving and caring relationship is the greatest thing anyone can ever have. But it is a huge risk and before you even take the first step into a relationship, your mind and emotions have to be clear, and prepared. It is an enormous sacrifice, and the older we get, the greater are the stakes because we have so much more invested in our lives. Hopefully we meet someone, and over time we see that we grow together, and achieve meaning in our lives which far exceed what we can achieve separately, because the real adventure for life is within that tiny, but infinite space between lovers and friends. It's not on a mountain in the French Alps, or in a Yacht race in the Hudson. But it exists at the kitchen table in the morning, in a place where we feel emotionally safe and secure, when we would be together, perhaps in silence, punctuated by casual conversation about yesterdays events and todays plans. And this sacred space is achieved only with hard work, compromise, sacrifice and trust. I've dated quite a few women in the last few months, and they are so worked up, so focused on clicking, and check lists. See, I could not tell if I could love you except for at least a few weeks of knowing you. And then I can gage if I'm developing a good bond, a loving bond, and a growing love for you, which is sustainable over the next 50 years. If we met, and we lived and loved well, I would love you more on the day I die, then the day we married. Every day, the good days, and the bad days, my love for you would grow. So, I ask sincerely, are you ready to find a relationship? Because I have no doubt that you are beautiful, independent, accomplished and a whole person, just as you are.