F E A T U R E D S T O R I E S A P R I L 0 8, 2 0 1 0
| Next-Generation Pharmacist Program Profiles Pharmacists and Celebrates the Profession
Do you know an exceptional pharmacist, student pharmacist, or pharmacy technician? If so, Pharmacy Times and Parata Systems invites you to participate in the Next-Generation Pharmacist program. Whether you choose to nominate an admired colleague or nominate yourself for one of the 10 categories—send us your nomination for the Next-Generation Pharmacist Awards by May 31, 2009. More » | Universal Flu Shot a Boost for Pharmacies
In the wake of H1N1’s reluctant retreat, the CDC’s new recommendations for who should get vaccinated could prompt a surge in immunizations administered by pharmacists. More » New OxyContin Formulation Wins FDA Approval
A newly approved formulation of Purdue Pharma’s opioid painkiller makes the drug more resistant to tampering by breaking or crushing, which the FDA says has been linked to fatal overdose and high rates of abuse in recent years. More » Health Care Reform: A Big Win for Big Pharma? As government officials promise clarity for consumers on health care reform, many corporations are preparing for new challenges the legislation will bring. Those challenges may seem a little less daunting for pharmaceutical companies, whose lobbying efforts were reflected in the final bill. More »
| |  | Advertisement |  | | P H A R M A C I S T T O P H A R M A C I S T | Management of Allergic Rhinitis: Advances in Intranasal Antihistamine Therapy
Allergic rhinitis—inflammation of the nasal mucous membrane caused by exposure to an allergen—presents many opportunities for the pharmacist to counsel patients on appropriate pharmacologic treatments, proper techniques for using these treatments, and possible associated adverse events.
Management of Heartburn in Special Populations
Heartburn is a common gastrointestinal complaint from patients—approximately 20% of individuals turn to OTC heartburn relief at least once a week. This presents pharmacists with a great opportunity to provide education, counseling, and suggested treatments to patients.
| | P H A R M A C Y P E T P E E V E S
| 374. Mandatory cheerfulness. "Filling scripts on a busy day or concentrating very hard and having someone tell you to smile!"
375. Fast-food pharmacy. "We are a drive-through pharmacy, not a burger joint. Transactions at the drive through cannot be handled in 30 seconds."
376. Inarticulate patients. "Starting every conversation with 'Uh' gets old. Quick."
377. Background noise. "If you have 25 screaming children in your living room, do not call me from it. I don't want to have to keep saying 'I can't hear you,
' because then I will assume you can't hear me and hang up."
Share Your Pharmacy Pet Peeves It is no secret that any profession comes with pet peeves. Pharmacy Times invites you to share yours. In each issue of ePharmacy Times, we will feature a sampling of pharmacists’ complaints. Please e-mail your pet peeves along with your name to Laura Enderle.
| | F R O M T H E E D I T O R S
Our goal at Pharmacy Times is to keep up with changes in the pharmacy profession and provide you with the most interesting, timely articles, relevant departments, and informative editorial features that will be useful to you in your daily practice.
When you've had a chance to review the February issue in print or online, we invite you to let your opinions be heard by taking a brief survey.
Pharmacists who complete the survey will be entered into a drawing to receive a $100 gift card.
Please click to take the survey.
to Joseph Goldstein of Framingham, MA, winner of the January editorial survey!
| NOTE: We may publish responses to eDigest items in our print publications and on our Web site. Please indicate if you do not want your response published.
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